Nome Community Baptist
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Happenings Page 2

Beverly Menedez
Iditarod Headquarters Staff

Nome's winter activities...Iditarod, reindeer and winter sports and activities... 


Dearest Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your prayer and support. 

We want to thank each of you who made this years Outreach possible by preparing armbands, sending supplies, or coming and participating

on the streets of Nome for the third year of God's Iditarod

Outreach a success.


What a wonderful week of fellowship and fun and a time

 of growing closer to our brothers and sisters in Christ

while working in a truly unique and challenging



Our presence at the Iditarod Headquarters, Community Service Patrol, XYZ Senior Center, Quyanna Care, National Guard Armory and the Bering Sea Womens Shelter was a spiritual blessing.


Team members began arriving mid week with orientation followed by street prayer walking.  What a blessing the arm patches provided by Manteo Baptist Church in North Carolina.  The arm bands were so impressive even Iditarod trail members thought we were working for them.


Tanya Crevier came in and did two full days of basketball demonstrations and a Basketball Camp.  She has such encouraging witness and blessed all with whom she came into contact.  We had 21 people accept Christ or recommit their lives and many, many have told me how blessed and impressed they were with her talent, ability and relational style.


Nome is the hub village of the 15 surrounding villages that make up the Norton Sound Region of Alaska.


We serve Inupiat, Siberian Yupik and Yukon Kuskokwim Yupik

Alaska Natives and are blessed to do so.


We all went out to meet and greet people and watch the first dog teams start to arrive and served many gallons of coffee, cocoa and love were offered free of charge.


This was another year of great ministry with people accepting Jesus Christ and many "Jesus Videos" going to the people in this region and around the world. 


We went to Savoonga and gave out about 25 "Bibles in a Bucket" to be used for subsistence gathering by our people.  We were privileged to pray with many in the tribal office and gave out Christian Survival Kits.  God's word was on each bucket, with a bible and with addtional study helps.


The countries of Canada, Norway, Italy, Germany, and South Africa had racers this year.


The weather this year proved a mix some moderate and some windy and cold.


We have given out over 700 “Hope” bibles…Wow…

looking forward to what this “seed” will produce.


We have a continuing need for small New Testament bibles, I give away approximately 30-40 on a weekly basis in the prison ministry at Anvil Mountain Correctional Center which serves the Northwest Arctic region.


What a blessed group God assembled to bring about

what is HIS "good and perfect will here in our presence.


Blessed by God to be the slightest part of: 21 professions,

over 100 "Jesus" videos given, subsistence buckets to 25 homes,

hot coffee and cocoa, many prayers of encouragement, and

acknowledgements of God's love for HIS people.


We gracefully acknowledge the support of many

churches in bringing about this ministry: 


Church Participants:

Manteo Baptist Church, NC

University Baptist, Anchorage

First Baptist Church, Anchorage

First Baptist Atascochita, Texas



Individual Participants:

Brenda Crim, Chugach Baptist Association, NAMB, BSU Dir/UAA

Scott Kirby, Anchorage, Alaska

Lillian Miller, Greenville, Mississippi

Larry Hamlin, First Baptist Church, Anchorage

John Forrester, NAMB, First Kotzebue, Chugach Baptist Ass.

Mike Procter, Alaska Baptist Convention

Alan Garnett, International Mission Board

And so many more from around the country.


Host Church:

Bruce Landry Sr.

Bruce Landry Jr.

Gloria Landry

Joel Jorgenson-YG

Nathan Evak-CIA

Jamie Evak-CIA

Johnnie Evak-CIA

Marcia Bryant-housing

Ken and Fran Houghton-housing and service


Mushers/handlers staying at church:

Bruce & Melissa Linton--Kenai

Jon Kopka--Czech Republic

Alexsandar "Sasha" Nikolic--Serbia


Amazing that God would give us a Jerusalem (Nome)

Outreach, a Judea (Norton Sound/Alaska), a Samaria (Michigan, Montana, Oklahoma, Colorado, Louisiana…), and

to the uttermost parts of the earth (Norway, Canada,

Italy, Germany and South Africa), all on the frozen

coast of Norton Sound and the Bering sea…

Wow God is Awesome isn’t HE.



We also praise God that we were able to give our

brother’s and sister’s a view of the area in which

Nome Community Baptist Church casts it’s net. 

We do cover the Norton Sound Region with the

addition of all Arctic Villages coming into the Anvil

Mountain Correctional Center.  This was something

most people who ministered here this week were

unaware of as well as our Associational Contacts

and we praise God for this opportunity to bring

God’s ministry here into focus.


We thank each individual who gave of their personal

time for the cause of Christ and to show the love of

Christ to all present...


Start making your plans for Iditarod 2008...

departing Anchorage March 1, and arriving Nome

March 9 through 16th, 2008...come be a part of

God's great work in a very unique ministry



We will get a ministry needs list up on our web site



 We hope to sponsor Iditarold Outreach in March 2008.

Our theme:

1 Cor. 9:24   
    Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.

Secondary Theme:

Hebrews 12:1   
    Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

We would like to be able to provide hot cocoa, hot coffee and hot Tang to the International gathering of guests who come to see the end of what people readily see as "The Last Great Race". 


We Know that the only race that really counts is the race to accept Jesus Christ and this is what we want to let the people know through showing the love of Christ to the international gathering in Nome during this event. 

Jesus Loves them...

BruceP. Landry

In Jesus' love,

Bruce P. Landry

"Feed my sheep."