Nome Community Baptist
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Prayer Needs

Please let us know your specific prayer needs and how we can pray for you.

Here are ongoing needs at Nome Community Baptist...
First:  Praise God we have finally requested and been appointed as Mission Service Corps Missionaries of the North American Mission Board as of April 29, 2008.
If you would like to send support directed to our ministry:
North American Mission Board
MSC Support Acct:# 9162
Atlanta, GA  30368-6543
We are appointed and receive some support from First Baptist Church of Anchorage, West End Baptist Church, Aliceville, AL, Westgate Memorial Baptist Church, Beaumont, TX, Pine Terrace Baptist Church, FL, and a number of others who have come together to allow us to work towards accomplishing God's will in Nome, Norton Sound, and the Northwest Arctic through our Anvil Mountain Correctional Center ministry for which I am also a North American Mission Board endorsed Chaplain, again without salary.  I thank each of you for availing yourself to the accomplishment of God's will.
Please Pray for:
We need a snow plow that will fit a 1992 Dodge D-250 Pickup truck for snow removal around the church.  After the record snowfall of this year I just purchased a 500 cc Polaris 4 wheeler with a 60 inch blade.  It cost just under $10000, any assistance with this purchase would be greatly appreciated.  This cost includes a 5 year warrantly.
We were plowed in a number of times by the street cleaning equipment and others who were just trying to keep a path open on the road and just pushed 3 or 4 feet of snow into the church parking lot and rear lot.  Of course after a couple of hours this becomes solid and very difficult to move apart from hundreds of dollars to some of the same people who pushed it in initially.  We of course have no budget for this... 
We continue to be in need of a Youth leader and this is posted as a MSC volunteer position request.  Our youth group needs you to volunteer.
Satan has many, many leaders around us, but we are in need of God's man or women with a great desire to come in and lead for change in the lives of our teenagers in Nome, Norton Sound and our region to bring about change. It is a big missing element, but needs to be someone who loves teens and is willing to be their friend and have them hang around and to hang around with them.
If this feels right in your life while maintaining a full time job for support, we welcome you or if you know someone that this sounds just like something they are perfect for. Just make sure that you read Mark chapter 8:34-35, because that's what Jesus is calling you to do. Christ's call is not a simple thing but is always very rewarding...
Anvil Mountain Correctional Bible Study and Ministry...
Keep our inmates and those who return home in prayer for God's safety, for Christian fellowship and continued growth.  Pray for their encouragement and growth...
Praise God, Seaside Center is asking for us to expand our ministry to cover their facility because of changes that they've witnessed in people who come from Anvil Mountain Correctional Center.
We continue to need some full bibles Old/New Testament (softcover), Large Print Bibles and New Testaments.
We are also in need of softback books on discipleship, growth and Christian Counselling for the men and women in this prison setting.
Please help us bring about Jesus' command to "Set the captives free..."
*Financial support for this ministry and prayer for us, for our native work throughout the state, for their continued growth and walk with Christ,
good health, Kool aid, Lipton Ice Tea, Macaroni and cheese,
small toys and items for Children in Action Club prizes,
discernment of God's absolute will for Nome and our surrounding villages as well as all of Alaska...
Prayer for God's will as HE continues to move around us, that we may be able to discern his will and that those whom God calls to village ministries as teachers and medical professionals, might open their hearts and present their lives before Christ. 
Bind Satan due to the deaths and suicides that continue among our youth and young adults around us and we covet continued prayer and God's clear direction as we minister.
Prayer for our villages of Little Diomede, Brevig Mission, Wales, Elim, Galovin, Savoonga, Gambell, White Mountain, Koyuk, St. Michael, Stebbins, Shismareff, Shaktoolik, Teller and Unalakleet and that God would open doors for ministry to bring the change that only He can bring into lives...
Please keep the St. Lawrence Islands villages of Gambell and Savoonga in prayer. 
Lift us up as we seek to do the work that Christ has placed before us here in Nome and Norton Sound.  If you or anyone you know has a heart for Teens please let us know.
Any support or offering may be sent through:
                       First Baptist Church Anchorage
                       1100 W. Tenth Avenue
                       Anchorage, AK   99501,
                       Designate: Nome Mission
or directly to:
                      Nome Community Baptist
                      PO Box 934
                      Nome, AK   99762
                      Designate: specific area
                                        of ministry
Designate: Nome Mission: heating oil,
                  vehicle fuel going up over $6.00 and Heating Oil at $5.89or specific designation
Specify area to go to:  Iditarod Outreach, Prison ministry, Pastor's support, Children's ministry, food pantry, baby clothing ministry, ...
Just click this address to send e mail: 
Children in Action Specific needs:
We continue a childrens Bible study/group on Sunday evenings--need:
    Videos, Kool aid, cake/cookie baking supplies,
     brownie mix, hobbies, craft supplies,
        church store goodies (small toys, balls, marbles, pencils,
     pens, paper (Loose leaf)… for this ministry.


Iditarod Outreach 2008 info and needs:


Iditarod Outreach March 2007,

First we want to thank all who made the Iditarod Outreach 2007 a success...


By helping People to see that "Accepting Christ" is the last and only important great race…


our needs for next year are:


hot chocolate 15 large cans,

coffee 15 large cans,

Apple Cider 5 large boxes,

hot cups.


Financial support to this ministry may be sent to the above addresses also.


...please continue to bathe the above in prayer.


Again, thank you for all that you do in allowing us to fulfill the cause of Christ in this remote "Bush" mission and our surrounding region...please continue to lift us up daily in prayer.
Hattie Burchardt and Hayley Drummond are in Nome and busy, they've already been on the CAREFORCE Christian Prayer program at KICY Radio Station in Nome.  They started the Summer Lunch Program and Summersize today June 8, 2008.
Keep all of our summer teams in prayer.
Bruce and the Fellowship

Thank you for visiting our site!  May God's richest blessings be upon you and your loved ones.