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Favorite Prayers and Hymns

We choose a contempory Praise and Worship style at Nome Community Baptist church.  We sing a combination of Praise Songs and Hymns during Sunday morning Worship and Praises throughout the week.  Come and join us in lifting up Praise to God for HE alone is worthy of all praise, honor, and glory.

If you are someone you know is in need of urgent heartfelt prayer, please call us or drop by, we would love to pray for you.  443-5448

Dearest Heavenly Father, Lord God I humbly come before you, I confess my sins and ask you to cleanse me again from all unrighteousness that I may stand before you as white as snow and ask  for YOUR perfect will to be accomplished around our lives and in YOUR ministry.  Father I lift up Praise to YOU for this day that YOU have made, I will rejoice and be glad in it, I praise you for each individual YOU have and will draw to this ministry. 

Father I pray for the salvation needs of all of our lost loved ones, I pray YOUR tender mercy and protection over them until they are touched by YOUR word under the unction of YOUR Holy Spirit.  I pray for a great revival and that YOU might touch the hearts of our Alaska Native People to start the greatest revival of this century.

Father, I pray to YOU "Jehovah Rapha" the "God who Heals" for YOU alone are able to take away the greatest travisty...the sin in our lives.  Father, I lift up all people in need of YOUR mercy in their lives for health, family, and every issue that is so prevelent in our communities.  Father, I lift up the youth and families impacted by Fetal Alcohol effects.  I pray your strenght and wisdom on them, their families and communities.

Father I lift up all ministers that are seeking to teach YOUR truth and to bring people into a real and personal relationship with YOU.

Lord, I lift up our president, our military personnel, and this country which was originally established "Under God".  I pray that YOU will continue to bring about YOUR "Good and Perfect" will in our lives and in our nation until YOUR triumphant return.

I ask all these things in YOUR precious name, Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.


Alive, Alive, Alive Forevermore

Alive, Alive, Alive Forevermore
My Jesus is Alive, alive forevermore
Alive, Alive, Alive forevermore,
my Jesus is Alive forevermore.
Sing Alleluia, Sing Alleluia
My Jesus is Alive
Sing Alleluia, Sing Alleluia
My Jesus is Alive